LWN article on Limux / WiMue and PMPC

Matthias Kirschner mk at fsfe.org
Mon Nov 13 09:12:53 UTC 2017

Hello Werner, 

* Werner Koch [2017-11-10 21:36 +0100]:
> publishing a private subscriber only URL to a _public_ mailing list is
> not for what LWN generate them as a favor to their subscribers.

That is what I thought before, too. In the past I always had a reminder
a week later and then distributed the normal link. When I talked with
Jake Edge (LWN) about that some months ago, he encouraged me to send
subscriber links to public mailing lists, news aggregators, social
media, etc. He told me that helps them. When you see an article through
the subscriber link, there is more advertisement to become a subscriber.
It seems that until now that works quite well for them.

As I highly appreciate LWN I therefore changed my behaviour. 

Best Regards,

Matthias Kirschner - President - Free Software Foundation Europe
Schönhauser Allee 6/7, 10119 Berlin, Germany | t +49-30-27595290
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