forums, mailing lists and other tools

Daniel Pocock daniel at
Sat Jan 13 23:49:54 UTC 2018

One issue arising out of the Swisslinux/GULL situation is the question
of communication tools.

Swisslinux has been operating with a forum while GULL was using a
mailing list.  Representatives from both groups are now talking about
how to join forces and merge these communities.

I've also observed questions like this raised within FSFE, we currently
have a lot of mailing lists but there are some people who want to try
something like Discourse.

Both technologies have benefits and disadvantages.

One idea I've put forward at RHL'18 today is that it may be useful to
have a series of events over the next 12 months, maybe piggy-backed on
bigger events, to discuss the way organizations choose their
communications tools.

One of the big questions is for organizations to define their goals.  If
their goals are clear then the choice of tool may be easier and even
obvious.  Choosing a tool because it is popular or because it is the
only thing the sysadmin is willing to support doesn't always result in
the best choice for achieving goals.

Would the FSFE community be interested in collaborating on an event or
process to study these questions?



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