I think you should grow up and have a bit of respect to the others.



On 2016-04-18 18:05, Joe Awni wrote:

Thinking my candidacy can be flushed away with a torrent of legal mumbo-jumbo emails messages?

The Free Software movement is not some soft white absorbed fabric you can use to mop up the murky reality and discard when convenient nor is that the purpose of your country's legal system.

Please see my original message, preserved for posterity: https://cryptobiz.directory/pub/document?getDoc=umZPtBk1XI7zGtMJjNygNtM0v4u1IAp46r

Do they really think i will swirl down the drain never to be heard from again?

I cant blame them, more and more independent software developers are killing themselves or otherwise just deign. Aaron Swartz, Ian Murdock, or very recently the non-publicized untimely death of my friend Napoleon Kofi ( http://napoleonkofi.me/ ). I am sure there are other independent software developers deign right now. Maybe we can wake up in a better world tomorrow, but with out action today its very unlikely.

I don't mean to "point fingers" but feel i would be totally remiss if i did not mention the difficulties which i have faced to get my message of candidacy out (especially on IRC [not even sure if they were coders]). And, want to repeat my request that you please contact me!

We are not looking to the FSFE for more of the same with emphasis on MORE and SAME; more similarly held elections are not the answer!

Ask yourself, at any given moment, who is representing the ideals free software community? Guys in an office in Berlin or someone making GNUBurgers at FOSS events?

On 18 April 2016 at 11:24, Joe Awni <joe.awni@gmail.com> wrote:
Frankly, It's not possible for you to say the donors are "feeling quite good" about this (unless you are talking about a rather small sub-set of donors that do not represent independent software developers) for example, I donated, and i wish there was more than one candidate.

Erik, No disrespect, you know me, and you know the struggle independent Free Software developers face. Sure, most people know about Linux and Firefox, but beyond that are totally clueless. Almost none seem to be aware of the fact larger open source projects regularly port other projects' unique features to their own platform thereby depriving other developers of users and potential donors.

Companies that make their profit from being known as the kings of open source think it's a good thing as they leave the rest of us out. I'm not kidding, while the Mozilla team was being wined and dined in Brussels after FOSDEM, i was getting beat-up and mugged half a block from the university after eating falafel and french fries.

So, NO - your donors do not feel quite good (unless you mean the mega-corps).

On 18 April 2016 at 10:37, Max Mehl <max.mehl@fsfe.org> wrote:
# Joe Awni [18.04.2016 @ 16:17]:
> How do you think donors would feel that you spend time and energy to
> offer an empty election?

I am positive they feel quite good since we comply with applicable laws
and our own constitution. That's nothing I would like to see changed.

Please feel invited to join our Fellowship and apply for next year's
Fellowship elections as soon as the candidature phase is opened. We are
happy about each and every applicant.


Max Mehl – FSFE Germany Coordinator – https://fsfe.org
Further contact information on www.fsfe.org/about/mehl
Private blog: blog.mehl.mx | Private homepage: mehl.mx
Your donation enables our work: http://fsfe.org/donate

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