Wow, amazing! Thanks Sid!

14.9.2013 15.47 "siddharth rao" <> kirjoitti:
You can now see the A4 size Posters ( which is Finnish in Aalto University School of Science, Start Up Sauna- Design Factory Notice Boards.

Also, I have distributed the A4 by 2 sized hand outs of the same in Espoon Keskus( Espoontari, Espoo Train Station and Kirjanpitajankuja, Library) and Tuomarilla Train stations today. - Around 60-70 in number.

Tomorrow, I am going to do the same in Kamppii and Helsinki Train station. Interested people can join me to distribute the flyers.


On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 4:54 PM, Otto Kekäläinen <> wrote:

I stared drafting a press release (in Finnish) at:

Anybody able to contribute this weekend?

Otto Kekäläinen                   []
Finnish Team Coordinator        [][][]
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