Dear Friends,

Our colleagues at the Henry George School of Social Science continue to offer their popular free online series Smart Talk with Andrew Mazzone - a video series featuring discussions with leading economists, writers, and sociologists around the world from a variety of perspectives moderated by Andrew Mazzone, President of the Henry George School of Social Science.

Two recent Smart Talk interviews are drawing significant attention (click the links to watch):
Smart Talk with Andrew Mazzone and Ted Gwartney
Featuring the world famous Georgist, Ted Gwartney, and his views on how implementation of Henry George’s theories would change the world.

Smart Talk with Andrew Mazzone and Dr. Fred Foldvary
Featuring the notable Georgist theorist Dr. Fred Foldvary, one of the few economists who predicted the 2008 financial collapse in America.
Other interviews can be found at the Smart Talk YouTube Channel and include: Dr. George R. Tyler, author of What Went Wrong: How the 1% Hijacked the American Middle Class and What Other Countries Got Right tells listeners that "a perfect storm" of events including "a transition in the attitude of executive suites that turned to profit above all else" has led the USA to now face "the largest income redistribution in history from employee to corporate profit." Also Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, who says, "Of all my interviews, this one is the best," discusses government policy planners and corporations' lack of "incentive" to think "about the longevity of the country and [its] success through time."And Dr. Gregory Clark, whose research using surnames to "track the rich and poor through many generations" in many countries resulted in his book The Sun Also Rises, points out, "As much as 60% of the variation in social position in each generation is inherited."

The Henry George School of Social Science offers free classes in economics and social issues in New York City. And they will continue to post videos in the future to fulfill their mission of providing a tuition-free economic education for everyone.

What a wonderful resource to know about!

Rick Ulfik
Founder of We, The World and the WE Campaign at



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