Dear partners, dear Francesco,

Atlantis has done a quick check on the questionnaire you provided us.
We added a question on the type of SMEs in the Demographics as agreed today in our telco.
We have included our feedback inside the Word document with the track change function of Word so that u can follow it easily.

Thank you for the work done so far!
We are looking forward to the final version of the questionnaire, so we can start translating again!


On 22 November 2017 at 17:14, Bjorn Lundell <> wrote:

I think this is a very important question, in that it will show "how problematic" the current lock-in really is.


On 2017-11-22 16:10, Jonas Gamalielsson wrote:
Dear Francesco and all partners,

I think this looks good, but I have a suggestion for an addition to "The
obstacles (actual and perceived) to a migration to FOSS, i.e. Q9. The
suggested addition is "The exit cost from our current IT solutions is
too high". This is in many cases the primary obstacle for not being able
to change due to different lock-in effects.

Kind regards

On 2017-11-21 17:08, Francesco Agresta wrote:
Dear Ifigeneia and all partners,

please find attached to this mail the first complete draft for the
questionnaire developed, with relation to the field research of IO1.

It comes in .docx format, in order to allow Atlantis to translate and
use it during the event you are hosting on the next November 23.

We will keep you posted and send a notification as soon as the digital
version of the same will be finalised.

Best regards

Francesco Agresta