Dear all,

the GUADEC Call for Papers is now officially open and I am forwarding you the e-mail that the organisator (I know him personally) has send me. It would be great for our project to be there and participate with a presentation. Can you participate in the preparation of an article promoting FOSS4SMEs? I could then present it on behalf of the whole team. Either alone or with the ones that will visit the conference (Brian K. wanted to).
Please think about it and let me know if you can support this by the 21.04.
Between 26.04. and 01.05. I will be away for Easter holidays, so I plan to submit our work by the 10th of May.

Dates to remember

Thank you for you quick response.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
Από: Efstathios Iosifidis <>
Date: Σάβ, 13 Απρ 2019 στις 12:52 π.μ.
Subject: Άνοιξαν οι υποβολές για ομιλίες...
To: <>


The GUADEC Call for Papers is now officially open.  This year the conference will be held in Thessaloniki, Greece from 23rd to 28th of August.

This is a great opportunity to share your ideas with the GNOME project, as well as the wider open source community. You don’t have to be an 
existing member of the GNOME project to submit a talk: if you have something interesting to say about software or technology, we want to hear from you! If you’re brand new to speaking, this is also a great opportunity to get started on your public speaking career — we welcome newcomers and provide a friendly audience.

Subjects that we're particularly interested in include:

1- Application development and deployment
2- Privacy and security
3- Community building and diversity
4- Design of user and developer experiences
5- Use of GNOME technologies outside the desktop
6- Encouraging new contributors
7- Project organisation and governance
8- Use of GNOME by users

However, if there is another subject that you would like to talk about, we would still love to receive your submission. Talks can be either 25 or 
40 minutes in length, which includes time for questions.

You can find more information for proposals in:

BoFs/workshop and hacking days wiki will be updated with more details in the upcoming weeks.

In case you have questions for talks, please contact the papers team at
For general questions regarding GUADEC please contact the organizing team at

Best Regards,




Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266


