Hello, a few updates from my side:

- Peer review of IO3/A1 is uploaded in keybase;

- IO1/A2 Executive summary is uploaded in keybase;

- "Translations brochure website newsletter", translation done;

- Stakeholders matrix, 25 entries added.

I will send an update on the impact tools on Monday and the timesheets during next week.

Wish everyone a nice weekend,


Il 24 giugno 2019 alle 13.28 Katerina Tsinari <tsinari@abe.gr> ha scritto:

Dear all,

as usually here are some reminders from me to you to keep track of things. This is the last week of June, which is by the project planned as the week to finish with O2 as a whole.

O2 videos: 3 and 4 are expected by 28.06.

Timesheets 01-06.19: Please send us by 28.06.

Improvements in Moodle course: Brian please get back to me on Unit 3. Galia  please get back to me on Unit 5 - separate e-mail communication. By 26.06.

O2 – Impact Tools by DLEARN: Feedback to Dlearn was given until 21.06. The updated Quality Plan and the tools are expected by 28.06.

O2/A1 Training Plan with self-diagnostic tools: Katerina reviewed the 4th version of the Training Plan. TUD  sends by 26.06. the corrected file.

Peer Review of O2/A1 Training Plan by OFE+FSFE: to be completed the latest by 05.07

Peer Review of O3/A1 deliverables: by ATL and Dlearn. will be complete by 30.06.19. OFE will adjust the text after that by 12.07.

Translations of O1/A2: Dlearn will provide an executive summary (2-4 pages max.) for the 2 deliverables of O2/A2 by 28.06.19. Information is overlapping in them, so it makes sense to develop one singe executive summary.

Dissemination Progress Report (M18): FSFE by 28.06.

Platfrom Design Plan: Is in Keybase: K:\team\foss4smes\2. Implementation\Outputs\Output 2\A3 Distance Learning Platform. à Peer Review from FSFE and OFE by 28.06.

Project Website: Dlearn please go in Keybase in the Excel file "Translations Brochure Website Newsletter" and fill in the light-yellow row inside the sheet called “website” with your language ASAP.

Timesheets till 12.18 and Certificates of participation – Dublin Meet.: Pending from TUD. ASAP.

Stakeholders Matrix: SKUNI[KT1] , TUD, Dlearn should insert 25 entries in the table. ASAP.

O3/A2 - 01.05.-30.07.19 - Report and consultation: Deliverable from OFE by 16.07. Peer Review (ATL, Dlearn) for this activity is planned for 17-31.07.19.

 [KT1] to  be able to provide contacts for the stakeholders matrix) we stress the importance of providing content for use under usage scenario 3


Important Notice due to delays:

Since the O2/A4 which was planed to be finished by May is not done, and the translation of Units was internally/in Dublin planned for July, I decided that we should all proceed with O2/A2 (translations) first as originally planned in the project. As soon as I tell you that all content is in Moodle in English, you can start working on your country's version. ATL will clone the English course for you. Then, you would need to log in, click on "turn on editing" and you will be able to copy paste your translations replacing the English text. In this way, you can be sure, that you dont miss a spot. Due to the delay, ATL will not import the translations, but will provide you with guidelines on how to complete this task yourself. Each of you will and can have a different rhythm concerning the remaining steps. SKUNI will not be able to coordinate their activity due to holidays of all partners, so we will be working independently. Important for the project is that all partners have the results of their O2/A4 process before our meeting in Brussels. Here is our timeplan adjusted accordingly. Please get back to me by 28.06. if you have something against this suggestion.




Internal from Dublin meeting


Testing course in Moodle


01.03. – 15.03.


Applying changes needed


15.03. – 31.03.


O2/A4 Assessment of course by externals


March- April – May


Evaluation of feedback and applying changes in MOODLE




Translation of contents




Import of translations


August - September


Sorry for the long e-mail, which is inevitable since many tasks remain long in our todo list.
Thank you all for your cooperation. I am looking forward to receive many deliverables from you this week.
Lets hope we find ourselves in July with many todos finished.





Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266





