Dear all,

the minutes-file from the telco on 12.03.2019 is now available in the Keybase folder: K:\team\foss4smes\5. Meetings\Telcos

Here are some last points I want to mention (no time to discuss them yesterday):
1. Progress Report: is due in March. Galia has sent us an e-mail on 12.03.19. Please remember to get back to her on this issue.

2. Stakeholders Matrix: Each partner should insert 25 entries in the table. Because of the GDPR issue the column concerning name/ contact details should be left empty. It can only be filled for the contacts we have their consent, like the contacts coming from the newsletter subscriptions or the survey participants. (see Dublin minutes for guidelines and what we agreed)

3. Concerning the 2nd newsletter, details on what to prepare are in the minutes from the Dublin meeting. DIT and DLEARN can you please prepare a text ASAP? This is urgent.

4. Regarding the poster, OFE (Sivan) agreed in the last telco to prepare an (off-line) poster. Sivan wanted to check with OFE if this is possibly to finished by May. Can you please give us an update on this Sivan?

5. We need to find further events, where we can present sth or publish an article. Dear colleagues from FSFE, as our Dissemination experts, can you please get back to me with suggestions? Thanks.

6. Multiplier Events: Please remember that you (all partners) need to plan these events and fix the dates and invite people. You can use them in order to conduct the training activities required for O2/A4.

7. Regarding the Dublin meeting, what is the status of the Dublin meeting evaluation? Francesco can you update me?

8. TUD, can you please upload the Certificates of participation on Keybase as PDFs?

9. "O3 Presentation - Dublin Jan 2019". Dear Sivan, can you please upload in Keybase you presentation in editable form?

10. TUD, can you please send us your timesheets ( see Dublin minutes for guidelines ) ?

Thank you all! Talk to you soon!





Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266


