Dear Francesco,

thank you for letting me know. I understand your heavy schedule. We need to see how we can provide our team with these tools by the middle of April the latest, so that the training activities in each country are organised as soon as possible.
We can have a quick Skype on the 11.04 if this suits you, in case you need my feedback.

Lets keep in contact on this.
We hope you manage to participate today, since we missed you in our last call as well.


Στις Πέμ, 4 Απρ 2019 στις 11:35 π.μ., ο/η <> έγραψε:

Hello Katerina,

I am working with my colleagues on those documents and I will get back at you next week, as soon as I’m back in my office (I am currently out in Spain).

Hope this is ok, we might also have a quick skype to discuss them if needed.

I’m afraid I will be in the middle of a meeting tomorrow morning during the telco, so I’m not sure I will be able to attend.




Descrizione: Descrizione: dlearn


Francesco Agresta


European Project Manager

European Digital Learning Network

Via Domenico Scarlatti, 30

20124 Milano

Mob.  +39 3496027623





Da: Katerina Tsinari <>
Inviato: mercoledì 3 aprile 2019 12:42
A: Francesco Agresta <>
Cc: FOSS4SMEs mailing list <>; Cosmas Vamvalis <>
Oggetto: Fwd: FOSS4SMEs: Status of project 21.03.2019


Dear Francesco,


is it possible that you get back to me on the last point of my e-mail to you (from 21.03.19).

I mean the point: " Tools (surveys and a model for collection of case studies) by DLEARN: The tools that will help us measure the impact of the entire training system to the different target groups of this project will be provided by Francesco. These tools must be used in parallel with the assessment tools of SKUNI. Francesco, when can I have a first draft? "


Since we have our telco on Friday, we could discuss what you have prepared or going to give us soon, so that we all can ask you questions or agree on the tools and most importantly understand the task.

If you have something ready for us, it would be great to have a look before our telco.


Thanks for letting me know. Hear you on Friday!





---------- Forwarded message ---------
Από: Katerina Tsinari <>
Date: Πέμ, 21 Μαρ 2019 στις 1:17 μ.μ.
Subject: FOSS4SMEs: Status of project 21.03.2019
To: FOSS4SMEs mailing list <>
Cc: Cosmas Vamvalis <>


Dear all,


I would like to update you on our status today.


2nd Newsletter:  This is super urgent, because our last Newsletter is now 8 months old. We were supposed to send it in 12.19. ATL, Dlearn and TUD should prepare a text and upload it in the file located --> K:\team\foss4smes\1. Management\Newsletters

Date Final multiplier event in Brussels: We agreed on 24 -25 September meeting, 26.09. Conference. Dear Sivan, have you got the confirmation from Dlearn? When will you send the first “save the date” mail? Keep me informed on this matter.

O2/A1 Updates of Units after 2nd Peer Review from OFE and FSFE: This is now the status of our files:

O2/A1 Partners

1st submission

Update after Review from SKUNI

Update after proofreading from DIT

Updates after 1st Peer Review of OFE and FSFE

Updates after 2nd peer review (ASAP)

ATL - Unit 1






OFE - Unit 2.1
and 2.2.






Dlearn - Unti 2.3
and 2.4.


14.12.18 (12:04h)

14.12.18 (19:14)



Dit - Unit 3






Skovde - Unit 4






FSFE - Unit 5







The Units should be finalised ASAP. DLEARN and TUD should send us their updated Units for upload.

Upload in Moodle: ATL has finished importing Unit 1. Unit 4, 5 and 2.3 2.4. will be uploaded by the end of this week.

O2/A1 Training Plan: pending.


Internal testing of each partner's material: I suggest that each partner starts this process as soon as his Unit is uploaded. There is already the test plan developed by ATL here: K:\team\foss4smes\2. Implementation\Outputs\Output 2\A1 Training course contents\Test Plan. So if anyone wants changes in the platform please write one single e-mail to me only summarising the points. I will then forward it to our IT colleague.


A8 - Publication of Articles: ATL will submit these days a Poster text for OpenSym 19. Please see if you can fulfil this task as well (especially our university partners).

Dissemination Progress Report (M18): Everyone please see the e-mail from Galia on 12.03.19 to send the required information by next Wednesday the latest. FSFE needs to prepare a report in the end of March.

O3 - Draft Terms of Reference and Policy Brief: e-mail from Sivan on 11.03.19. Katerina will provide feedback on the document by end of next week.

Timesheets and Certificates of participation – Dublin Meet.: Pending from TUD.

FOSS4SMEs: Minutes - telco 12.03.19: Dear colleagues from SKUNI, concerning your comments on the minutes, if you want them changes, please consider to update the minutes using 'track change mode' and send them to me and Brian. (see e-mail from 18.03.19)

O2/A4 Assessment: Dear colleagues from SKUNI, thank you for your e-mail from 15.03.19. Due to proposal submission in new Erasmus+ projects, I was unable to review the 3rd version of your document. I will do it by Wednesday.

Tools (surveys and a model for collection of case studies) by DLEARN: The tools that will help us measure the impact of the entire training system to the different target groups of this project will be provided by Francesco. These tools must be used in parallel with the assessment tools of SKUNI. Francesco, when can I have a first draft?

I will be in Berlin until next Tuesday and I will have Internet connection periodically, so for urgent matters you can reach me in mobile or contact Ifigeneia.


Looking forward to your replies.

The next telco is in 2-weeks time.


Take care!









Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266


