a mamo kak seznam kdo je odgovoril in kdo ne?
če imamo to potem ni tak problem ponovno dopis poslat :)


2011/4/24 Matija Šuklje <hook@fsfe.org>
PDFreaders kampanja se nadaljuje. Bomo sodelovali?

----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: For you: Mission is possible: FSFE needs your help to make a progress
in the PDFreaders campaign!
Date: Thursday 21 of April 2011, 16:23:40
From: Matthias Kirschner <mk@fsfe.org>
To: coordinators@lists.fsfe.org

Dear group coordinators,

the below message was sent to all Fellows. I would like you to talk with
your group about the possbility to follow up with some adminstrations in
your area as a group activtiy. Who is in?

Enjoy the weekend,

Dear Free Software supporter,

participate in the ongoing PDFreaders campaign [1] and remind public
institutions to remove advertisements of proprietary PDFreaders from
their websites! Today we published the new follow-up guide [2].

The PDFreaders campaign was launched in November 2010 to end
advertisements for proprietary software on public institutions' websites.
Thanks to efforts of you and other Free Software activists, the first
phase of the campaign was successfully implemented: we discovered and
contacted more than 2000 public bodies across Europe and overseas.

To date, 17 percent of the contacted public institutions already replied
and removed the non-free PDF reader advertisements from their websites.
The current progress of the campaign can be seen on our buglist.
However, as many of the contacted institutions have not replied yet, we
want to remind them about the letter we have sent and ask for a reply.

To take part, follow the actions from our follow-up guide [2]. In short
this is:

- have a look at organisations [3] in your country which appear as not
 having answered yet,
- contact them and remind them of our letter [4] on inadmissibility of
 advertising of proprietary software by public institutions,
- ask them to remove the advertising of proprietary software from their
 websites as it is violating the principle of neutrality of public

If you discover a public institution website that advertises non-free
software and is not on our list, you are encouraged to contact them on
your own using a modified version of our letter. If you have any further
questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Best Regards,

 1. http://www.fsfe.org/campaigns/pdfreaders/pdfreaders.en.html
 2. http://fsfe.org/campaigns/pdfreaders/follow-up.en.html
 3. http://fsfe.org/campaigns/pdfreaders/buglist.html
 4. http://fsfe.org/campaigns/pdfreaders/letter.en.html

Matthias Kirschner - Fellowship Coordinator, German Coordinator
Free Software Foundation Europe (fsfe.org)
Free Software is important to you? Join today! (fsfe.org/join)
Coordinators mailing list
Namestnik pravnega koordinatorja, FSFE
in Koordinator Fellowship skupine Slovenija
www: http://fsfe.org       █▉   || priv. www: http://matija.suklje.name
e-mail: hook@fsfe.org    █▉█▉█▉ || priv. e-mail: matija@suklje.name
xmpp: hook@jabber.fsfe.org ▉▉   || priv. xmpp: matija.suklje@gabbler.org
sip: hook@ekiga.net             || gsm: +386 41 849 552

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