Whoever voted for our coalition gov? I know I didn't!

Anyone who works for the public and especially those in positions of power and responsibility like our coalition government, should be using free and open source software not only because it would save our supposedly cash-strapped and austerity-enforced nation literally hundreds of millions of pounds a year in MS tax but then we'd also know that MS or Apple or whichever other closed, non-free software vendor weren't harvesting our public records for private, confidential data and using it for who knows what purposes for a start.

Hardly anyone knows about Libreoffice, Openoffice, gnumeric, koffice, GIMP, KDEnlive, Ardour, blender, qtractor, synfig, inkscape, TAL-Noisemaker and many other powerful free desktop productivity software that are freely available because the UK IT curriculum is still totally MS centric. Android people have heard of. Linux - whats that?

Valve's imminent releasing of games for Linux combined with Windows 8s unwanted interface changes could have a huge impact on the current state of peoples willingness to adopt a new platform and new set of apps and will likely lead to more machines coming pre-installed with a Linux variant - which will be good for everyone except maybe MS.

On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 6:09 PM, Anna Morris <say.hello.to.anna@googlemail.com> wrote:

for those of us who are on the 38 degrees train, they are having their annual "what issues should we focus on next" vote - there is a box on the form for which campaign should we do right now, and I put "all elected bodies should use free software and open standards"

thought maybe if we all wrote it and got everyone to write it, we could make a noise?

Pass it on folks!! : )

Love to all


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