
the domain for the event I ran entitled okaycomputer is due to be renewed. The domain is okaycomputer.org - It's number one in google when you type in okay computer, but the others (.com etc) are owned by other people (though mostly inactive or not in use at all) and the twitter feed is taken (but inactive too). I was wondering if we could use it for our server project: its unlikely i will be running any more full scale okay c events because I have my business to run now as well, but if we do run anymore events, I have no problem with running them under another name or running them as a part of the server project and under the same guiding principles etc.

Positives (other than the happy name) would be a) much of the search engine work is done b) some people know the name already c) we would be merging (not forking!) d) we could stop worrying about a name, and its technically recycling... Negatives a) it's weird b) okay computer, though v. cool, was very tied to me as a person (baggage) c) in rel. to b. would we be alienating some people trough this?

I know its a bit of a weird suggestion, but I think it might actually work and solve a few problems. I always felt the name okay computer was catchy and accessible to all, without being to corporate or threatening sounding. I wont be offended if you all say no though! I know its a question of taste, and many of the tech guys didn't *get* the name.

I worry that the project name problem is starting to hold us back mostly. All the good ones are taken :  (



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