bet that idea will tickle sam's fancy :) sounds good :)

I was the female one, just in case you didnt know. lol :) I remember you now :)

On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 10:13 PM, D.Bolton U0970268 <> wrote:
Hi Anna,

I was the skeptical one :-)

I was just playing devil's advocate actually.  I think the idea of the community server is pretty neat - I just like to see the "cons" along with the "pros".

I've also been thinking about other types of groups and organizations that could benefit from having their own server - and what they could do with them (if only they had the relevant software)

One thought I had was ticketing services.  There are lots of groups that need to sell tickets online, but would rather avoid having to pay the commissions charged by the usual ticketing companies. Eg. Fringe theatre companies & fringe venues, amdram societies, small music venues (I'm sure there are lots more).  There would still be a cost in using a card payment service, of course, but the front end could run on the society's private server for free.  All it needs is someone to write that free front end.  Hmmm. ;-)

From: Anna Morris []
Sent: 06 December 2011 17:57
To: D.Bolton  U0970268
Subject: Re: [Manchester] Hello folks

hey, the fsfe meeting? I am so bad at names and faces. Do reintroduce : ) : )

On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 5:36 PM, D.Bolton U0970268 <<>> wrote:
Hi <waves>

Just saying hello. It was nice meeting those of you who came to the meeting last month.  It's certainly given me some food for thought :-)

All the best,

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