I think you need two sticks for USB pup, one for dist and one for all else. Pup irc are really great btw, much help there :-)


On Monday, March 5, 2012, D.Bolton  U0970268 <U0970268@unimail.hud.ac.uk> wrote:
> I went for puppy (especially Wary) as it appeared to be compact - and the old hardware aspect appealed (even though the machine I tested it on is actually fairly powerful).  I'm sure I'll try several other disttros in due course.  I actually want something current to run on the tiny Asus netbook, to replace the original Xandros (which I'm guessing isn't supported anymore).  Ideally, though, I want some lightweight server software. I've got a copy of the server edition of ubuntu, but I've no idea if the Asus is fast/spacious enough to run it happily.
> There seems to be a menu option in Puppy to create a boot USB stick - but it wipes everything else off the stick,and I didn't have a spare empty one with me earlier.  I'll try again tomorrow :-)
> David
> ________________________________________
> From: manchester-bounces@lists.fsfe.org [manchester-bounces@lists.fsfe.org] on behalf of Sam Tuke [samtuke@fsfe.org]
> Sent: 05 March 2012 17:45
> To: manchester@lists.fsfe.org
> Subject: Re: [FSFE-Manc] Live CD
> On Mon, 2012-03-05 at 16:34 +0000, D.Bolton U0970268 wrote:
>> Just booted a (normally) XP desktop machine with a Linux Live CD - now
>> running Wary Puppy 5.2.2 & seamonkey.
> Congrats, Puppy is brilliant for old machines, so long as you don't mind
> doing things their way.
>> Next step is to sort out how to run it form a USB stick.....
> I've never tried to do that, but often been curious. Let us know how you
> get on. Is a chroot involved?
> Sam.
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