I think this would be a great idea - any one else in? I can do thurs at 7.45pm too :)


On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 2:32 PM, Sam Tuke <samtuke@fsfe.org> wrote:
On Sat, 2012-03-17 at 14:16 +0000, Anna Morris wrote:
> We could always kick things off online to start with.  Maybe use a
> shared space on dropbox to exchange code examples (if dropbox usage
> doesn't conflict with anyone's principles).

Sounds good to me! I do have an issue with Dropbox*, but we can use
FSFE's etherpad server, or even the wiki if necessary. I can't foresee
the need to send large files to oneanother, but there are Free Software
solutions for that too.

Thursday afternoon or evening, up to 19.45 is OK for me. We need to get
the server back up and running before then though; I should be able to
just pop round one day next week and put in the password.



* It's proprietary, software-as-a-service, Amazon hosted in the Republic
of Ireland (UK user accounts are outside of UK law), history of security
and privacy issues...

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