Its, in my (humble) opinion, def a good sign, but I still think we could all wind up in a cell if a criminal gang happend to be exporting liverpudlians to peru to sew footballs together or something! :(

Never knew the world was so stupid. Watched panorama last night, the one about poor americans, i know its overhyped but dear me thats a nasty country. The benefits agency might be really horrible to me and joe but atleast we don't live in a storm drain under lasvegas or in a tent while republicans tell us we need to be educated to have the neccisary skills to integrate into normal societiy (when we used to have a pool and a double garage and work in IT)

makes me sick and sad all at once. Dosn't help that I have been watching startreck and dreeming of a world free from poverty, war and the prospect of synthahol and vulcans


On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 12:37 PM, D.Bolton U0970268 <> wrote:
I think the privacy issue is the important one here.  If snooping on someone's email is an invasion of privacy for the purposes of checking whether a user is infringing copyright - then it must be an invasion of privacy for everything.  The implication is that sysops simply should not snoop - period.

And if a sysop is not supposed to snoop, and doesn't snoop, they surely cannot be held responsible (as an accessory) for any illegal activities of their users.

Of course if the police come along with some kind of warrant - then privacy goes out of the window.  But if the sysops can't actually look inside users' email repositories....   Hmmm.  And what about logs of where messages are sent (or from where they are received)?

Just something I picked up following Glyn Moody on Twitter &

From: Anna Morris []
Sent: 16 February 2012 10:46
To: D.Bolton  U0970268
Subject: Re: [Manchester] EU to the rescue

looks good, just a shame it doesn't clarify the exact position on other illegal activities :S

Good work! Where did you find it?


On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 10:23 AM, D.Bolton U0970268 <<>> wrote:
"Online Copyright: EU Court of Justice Rules Out Private and Automatic Censorship"

Good news for the community hosting service?

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Manchester mailing list

-- - The pet shop thats all sorts of ethical!