On Sat, Aug 4, 2012 at 3:25 PM, <press@fsfeurope.org> wrote:
= FSFE Newsletter - August 2012 =

[Read online: http://fsfe.org/news/nl/nl-201208.en.html ]

== Helping the European Parliament to release its own Free Software ==

For the first time, the European Parliament (EP) is about to release one
of its own programs as a Free Software. The program in question is
called AT4AM, short for "Automatic Tool for Amendments". The Parliament
is making laws, and AT4AM automates a lot of the formalities associated
with the legislative process.

Karsten Gerloff and Carlo Piana were invited to give talks at the event
to discuss the right license under which to publish AT4AM, and to
explain the political dimension of Free Software.

Do you want to know why the FSFE suggested the EP to license their
software under GNU AGPL version 3, and what else our president has on
his wishlist for the EP? Then read his report[1]!

  1. http://blogs.fsfe.org/gerloff/2012/07/18/helping-the-european-parliament-to-release-its-own-free-software/

== Protect Free Software licenses from bankruptcy ==

When the companies or authors that license Free Software enter
bankruptcy, there is a risk that granted Free Software licenses will
face legal challenges in some jurisdictions. The FSFE is trying to
prevent this situation in Germany. We started talking about this during
a meeting with the German Minister of Justice, who we could have meet
thanks to receiving the Theodor Heuss Medal[2]. Now the ifrOSS supported
by the FSFE suggests the German Ministry of Justice to include a
specific Free Software clause in the German Insolvency Code[3]. The
clause ensures that Free Software licenses would not be negatively
affected by a bankruptcy of a licensing rights holder. It makes it clear
that any offer to grant a Free Software license made before the
licensor's bankruptcy can be accepted by anyone even after the
bankruptcy proceedings started.

If Free Software face similar problems in your jurisdiction, please
contact us[4] or take similar steps.

  2. http://fsfe.org/news/2010/news-20100510-01.en.html
  3. http://fsfe.org/news/2012/news-20120730-01.en.html
  4. http://fsfe.org/contact/contact.en.html

== The Fellowship: One to rule them all ==

In the Lord of the Rings, Gollum does not want to share the ring. He is
such an egoist. But Barbara "swimmi" Roth and Martin "gollo"
Gollowitzer, both Fellows of the FSFE are used to share (as well as use,
study, and improve).

After signing their public keys with the highest trust level[5], they
now finally decided to swim into the harbour of marriage. It is the
first marriage your editor knows about, where both were Fellows
*before* their marriage. The FSFE wishes them all the best for
their future and is looking forward to see a lot of "forks"[6], so we
have more Free Software activists. May many fellow[7] this example[8]!

  5. https://xkcd.com/364/
  6. http://media.macno.org/u/macno/m/i-am-a-fork/
  7. http://fellowship.fsfe.org/join
  8. http://fellowship.fsfe.org/join

== Something completely different ==

- From August 21st to 26th Free Software will be one major theme at Campus
  Party in Berlin. Your editor helped to find some interesting speakers for the
  event. Well, see yourself[9].
- La Quadrature Du Net published a video tutorial how to call a Member of the
  European Parliament (MEP). You can apply their instructions[10] to our Ask
  Your Candidates campaign[11] and talk with politicians about general Free
  Software topics, our campaigns[12], or other issues.
- How, exactly, can you have a successful project with collaborators?  Can we
  quantitatively analyse past projects to figure out what works, instead of
  just using our best guesses? David A. Wheeler reviewed a book[13]which
  analyses how to be successful with Free Software.
- You want to have a small low cost Free Software PC? Take a look at this
  overview[14]and decide what is best for you.
- Digital Restriction Managmenet: Our sister, the FSF finished an update of the
  "Guide to DRM-free Living"[15]with dozens of new places to get ebooks,
  movies, and music without DRM.
- A selection from the Fellowship blog aggregation[16]:
  - Berlin Fellowship group[17]coordinator Alexander Kahl wrote about why git
    kicks ass[18]and how to use GNU Emacs as a terminal emulator[19].
  - What is going on in Norway, and what is the role of Free Software
    competence centres? Paul Boddie takes a look[20]at the Norwegian
    government's recent withdrawal of all financial support for the Norwegian
    Free Software Competence Center.
  - Hugo Roy explains how to microblog links quickly with duckduckgo[21].
  - Timo Jyrinki tells a story[22] how sometimes computing brings you to the
  - Our interns[23] were attending Richard Stallman's talk in Dresden.
    Anatolii Doludenko published some pictures in his blog[24].
  - From the Nokia 770 to the N800 to the N810 to the N900 to the N9.  What is
    next? Read Henri Bergius' dreams of the MeeGo diaspora[25].
  - Our former president Georg Greve gives an update and overview about the
    Free Software groupware Kolab 3.0[26],
  - and finally our vice president is looking for someone who can write a GUI
    front-end to Searduino[27]. Can you? If not, but you want to help Free
    Software, continue reading our this month's get active item.

  9. http://blogs.fsfe.org/mk/?p=961
  10. https://www.laquadrature.net/node/5880
  11. http://fsfe.org/campaigns/askyourcandidates/askyourcandidates.en.html
  12. http://fsfe.org/campaigns/campaigns.en.html
  13. http://www.dwheeler.com/blog/2012/07/08/#internet-success
  14. http://raymii.org/cms/p_Small_Linux_PCs_overview
  15. http://www.defectivebydesign.org/node/2241
  16. http://planet.fsfe.org
  17. http://wiki.fsfe.org/groups/Berlin
  18. http://paralambda.org/2012/07/06/git-evolution-of-a-topic-branch-and-how-to-review-it/
  19. http://paralambda.org/2012/07/02/using-gnu-emacs-as-a-terminal-emulator/
  20. http://blogs.fsfe.org/pboddie/?p=88
  21. http://blogs.fsfe.org/hugo/2012/07/tweet-bang-how-to-share-a-link-quickly-on-twitter-using-duckduckgo/
  22. http://losca.blogspot.de/2012/07/where-computing-takes-you.html
  23. http://fsfe.org/contribute/internship.en.html
  24. http://blogs.fsfe.org/tolld/2012/07/12/fsfe-in-dresden-during-rms-talk/
  25. http://bergie.iki.fi/blog/meego-diaspora/
  26. http://blogs.fsfe.org/greve/?p=529
  27. https://sandklef.wordpress.com/2012/07/21/searduino-needs-a-gui/

== Get Active: Help us with Android installation parties! ==

Torsten Grote, who started our Free Your Android[28]campaign, wrote down
what he is missing in CyanogenMod 9[29]. In good Free Software fashion
he created feature requests for a configurable power control widget, an
ssh daemon, direct in-app shortcuts, or native OpenVPN support in
CyanogenMod’s issue tracker.

We want to help as many people as possible to regain control of their
Android devices and their data in general. One important step in this
process is helping people to install Free Software on their phones and
tablets. So on Software Freedom Day (15th September) the FSFE wants to
have public Free Your Android installation parties.

If you can organise such a workshop, please let us know[30]! If you
still need help on how to do so, we will try to help you having a
successful event. E.g. on August 26th we will have a workshop in Berlin
for people who plan to give such workshops in the future, be it at
Software Freedom Day, at a conference or another occaison.

  28. http://FreeYourAndroid.org
  29. http://blogs.fsfe.org/torsten.grote/2012/07/18/what-i-am-missing-in-cyanogenmod-9/
  30. mailto:android@lists.fsfe.org

Thanks to all the Fellows and donors who enable our work,
Matthias Kirschner - FSFE

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