--- title: The Readers lang: en in_menu: true sort_info: 1 HeaderTitle: Get a Free Software PDF reader! direction: ltr ---

Get a Free Software PDF reader!

The Portable Document Format (PDF) is a popular format to publish formatted text and documents. There are several different versions of it, some qualifying as an {link: {path: os.html, attr: {:link_text: Open Standard}}}, some certified by ISO and some encumbered by software patents. You might want to promote the versions that are Open Standards, because Open Standards guarantee interoperability, competition and choice. Read more...

There are many programs to read and write PDF documents. All of the PDF readers in the following list are Free Software, respecting your basic four freedoms to use, study, share and improve them. This gives you control over your computer and helps protect your privacy. Read more...

A green background indicates that the reader is recommended for your operating system. The recommendations are based on ease of use and install and do not reflect the technical merits of the software itself.
Readers Windows MacOSX Free Operating Systems [1]
BePDF - - Download
ePDFView - - Download
gv - - Download
MuPDF Download Download Download
Sumatra PDF Download - -
Xpdf - Download Download
Zathura - - Download

Other proprietary alternatives to Adobe's PDF reader also exist, but like it, their internal working is a trade secret and these programs do not respect your right to control your own privacy and data.

[1] Note that most Free Operating Systems provide package management systems and do not require you to download any files manually from project pages. You will find instructions on how to install these packages on the website of your distributor. The download pages referred to will provide source code, should you desire to build the software.