=============================================================================== Swedish team meeting: =============================================================================== 1 Briefing of internal information during the GA in Vienna 2 FSFE needs more visibility in sweden 2.1 How to achieve this 3 Shuld the FSFE swedish grow in number 2.1 Do we have candidates for this Tom Calthrop (Barnraiser) 2.2 Find tasks we need help with inside sweden 4 Can we find a solution similar to what FSFE has done done in germany with Kirschner/Gerloff 5 Homepage for ffkop 5.1 Site is 'up' 5.2 More users to add 5.3 Select theme 5.4 More info? 6 frimedia.se 6.1 Suggested improvements 6.1.1 Add space for small organisations 6.1.2 Remove Dedikerad from major organisations 6 Projects related to Free Software / Creative Commons 6.1 Suggest and assists LUGG that they setup a workshop targeted for staff at schools =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Frimedia.se press-release: =============================================================================== F?r att f? en balanserad nyhetsbevakning har en ny nyhets- och informations-sajt startats upp. Sajten heter frimedia.se. M?let f?r frimedia.se ?r att bevaka, rapportera och kommentera olika former av kultur, programvaror, litteratur som anv?nder sig av digitala medier. Frimedia.se ?mnar bli en k?lla d?r journalister, beslutsfattare och ?vriga medborgare skall finns saklig och kritiskt granskad information. Frimedia kommer att vara helt frist?ende och oberoende av de bakomvarande organisationerna och svenskt n?ringsliv. Organisationer som st?r bakom frimedia.se ?r: Creative Commons --- ?? Dedikerad ?? --- EF Sverige FFII.se FSF Europe Svenska Linuxf?rningen =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Swedish public meeting: =============================================================================== 1 Creative Commons briefing 1.1 What is the status 1.2 Thurston Moore wrote a good article in Wired, Shall we translate it to swedish? Can we publish this translation? 2 FSFE Briefing 2.1 General Assembly i Wien 4 FSFE needs more help i sweden 4.1 Present the needs and discuss with the attendants 5 GNU GPL 2 version 3 is to be used for GNU programs 5.1 How to change 6 frimedia.se 6.1 How to proceed? Pasted and translated from an email from Jonas: 1) Add CC license (non derivs) / (licens?ndringen) 2) Verify that we accounts for all representatives from the various organisations. 3) Make a press-release 7 Coming events where FSFE attends 7.1 Svenska Linuxf?reningen member assembly July 2-3 7.2 Gr?n Ungdom (Youth div of the swedish Green Party). Unknown date 8 Coming events of interests FSFE 8.1 Europython 2005 / 2005-06-27 - 2005-06-29 http://www.europython.org/ 8.2 Europen.SE - Svenska Unix-anv?ndares f?rening Linux Forum / 2005-05-21 - 2005-05-22 http://www.europen.se/index.php?module=ContentExpress&func=display&ceid=25 L?rdag 21/5 13:30 - 15:10 -------------------------------------------------- ?ppen k?llkod i offentlig f?rvaltning - diskussion Sammankallande: Johan Schiff, Milj?partiet de Gr?na 8.3 Guadec / 2005-05-29 - 2005-05-31 http://2005.guadec.org/ 8.4 Debconf5 / 2005-07-10 - 2005-07-17 http://www.debconf.org/debconf5/ 8.5 "Linux / Open Source Forum" / 2005-10-11 - 2005-10-12 Shall we reallyt attend an "Open Source" conference? 9 Fellowship 9.1 How shall we present this more to the swedish people? 10 GNU biz in Gothenburg 10.1 What is the status 11 Swedish distribution of GNU/Linux 11.1 Jon Kristenssen will present his new project 12 24-timmarsbloggen 12.1 We need to write some material for the swedish independant blog about e-government ===============================================================================