Hoi zäme,

2016-08-09 10:59 GMT+02:00 Marcus Moeller <marcus.moeller@gmx.ch>:
> Hallo zusammen,
> wir haben eine offizielle Kondolenzmeldung verfasst:
> https://fsfe.org/news/2016/news-20160809-01.en.html
> Giammi, könntest du das bitte auch noch an Flo weiterleiten?

Danke für die Meldung, auch wenn ich Elias nie persönlich kennengelernt habe, bin ich sehr traurig über seinen zu frühen Tod und fühle mit euch.

Leider sind da ein paar Fehler im Englischen, ich habe den Text korrigiert:

"In the afternoon of Saturday 6 August, our friend and active Fellow Elias Diem passed away. He was on his way back home from a hiking trip with a friend in the Swiss alps. He slipped and fell about 150 meters. His friend tried to rescue him, but it was too late. He died of a heavy head injury at the age of 39.

Elias was one of our most active Fellows in Switzerland and his death is a great loss to all of us. He led the Zurich Fellowship Group and organised or participated in several Free Software related events. He loved the text editor Vim and the mail user agent Mutt. Elias was very interested in Free Hardware as well and contributed to the Ladboo project, which helps to bring GNU/Linux laptops to schools in emerging countries.

There is no way to fill the gap his loss causes in our hearts. We can just try to continue his dedicated work for freedom and fairness."

LG, Myriam
Proud member of the Amarok and KDE Community
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