[Fsfe-ie] Patent letter #3

Ciaran O'Riordan ciaran at member.fsf.org
Thu Jan 22 18:35:35 CET 2004

Ian Clarke <ian at locut.us> writes:
> Ciaran O'Riordan wrote:
> > IFSO hasn't asked anyone to use google, or any other secret software, on
> > their own machines, or over a network.
> Sure you are, unless the BIOS of your web server is free software.

This extrapolates to "You can't be perfect, why bother trying."

I'd prefer an FS BIOS, but I don't see it as imperative.  One grey area
is not a reason to accept other grey areas.

> In the case of 3D17.org, the binary stays on my server - the only part
> of it that runs on the user's computer is the HTML it generates and
> the user is free to look at its source code.

IFSO will not ask you to run secret or proprietary software for us.

Ciaran O'Riordan - http://www.compsoc.com/~coriordan/

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