[Fsfe-ie] Computer scientists? Also, protest?

David Cathcart david at cathcart.cx
Sat May 8 14:56:57 CEST 2004

> I should have time to write an open letter tomorrow. I'll
> send it to the list when it's finished. I can target TCD's and
> DCU's computer science departments. Are there anyother people
> on the list who could rally support from other universities?

I can try make ucd move, we were planning on trying to get them to come 
to the talk anyhow. Just pick a date and time.

> Also, do you think it would be useful to arrange a protest
> against software patents outside the Dail? I don't know
> how such things are arranged or whether they are effective.

I think this was why we were given the tshirts, they asked us if we 
would be willing to host a small protest in may and gave ume the tshirts 
et all in aid of that. 


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