[Fsfe-ie] IFSO Event: Saturday April 29th, Federico Heinz, president of FSF Latin America

Ciaran O'Riordan ciaran at fsfe.org
Thu Apr 20 16:47:37 CEST 2006

(please forward as appropriate.)

Federico Heinz was coming to Europe so IFSO have detoured him to host
two talks on Saturday April 29th in the ICS building in Dublin.

Heinz is a veteran and widely-respected free software advocate in
Latin America, a long time GNU project spokesperson, and was elected
president of FSF Latin America when it launched recently.

  1. The talks
  2. About Federico
  3. Event details

1. The talks:

   One talk will be on free software in government / public
   administration.  Heinz is one of the drafters and advocates behind
   laws requiring government bodies to use free software in various
   Latin American countries, particularly Argentina, Peru, and
   Venezuela.  These laws have met mixed results.

   The other talk will be on free software in education.  This is a
   topic that IFSO requested he talk about, and it's something that's
   also important to him.  Issues such as access to education are far
   more acute there than in Ireland.

2. About Federico:

  His background is in software development and administration, mostly
  on the implementation end, getting systems in place using existing
  free software.

  Heinz is also one of the GNU projects nine official speakers, a bio
  is on this page:

  I've spent the last few days with him; I had heard that he is an
  excellent speaker, and I'm now sure he will be.

3. Event details:

  The venue is provided by the Irish Computer Society, which we've
  been invited to use by ILUG's Niall Walsh (thanks Niall).

  The start time will be 14h00.  There will be a 30 minute break
  between the two talks and tea, coffee, and biscuits will be served.
  The end time will be around 17h00.

For any more details, just ask.

Ciarán O'Riordan __________________ \ http://fsfeurope.org/projects/gplv3
http://ciaran.compsoc.com/ _________ \  GPLv3 and other work supported by
http://fsfe.org/fellows/ciaran/weblog \   Fellowship: http://www.fsfe.org

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