[Fsfe-ie] meeting: tomorrow 6o'clock, benshaws (Dec 23rd)

Ciaran O'Riordan ciaran at member.fsf.org
Mon Dec 22 16:04:11 CET 2003

Hi all,
  I previously mentioned a Dec 23rd (tuesday) mini-meeting, the time has
been set for 1800h, venue is benshaws as always.  It's an unofficial
meeting, so just anyone that can turn up, whenever you can turn up.

* Ian Clarke will be dropping in, so a rare face to face meeting will be

* IFSO needs to prepare a press release for January 5th.

* The IFSO website is nearly ready, please send comments:
  This is a temporarly URL, it will be ifso.ie when we get the domain
  (any day now)
  (the site has not "gone public", so please let me know about the
   mistakes.  Also, check /people.html and send additions/corrections)

* Free Software in education.  Has been discussed recently on list, and
  at the last meeting.

* Free Software in charities.  I think Glenn expressed an interest in
  this, and Mel offered system setup/integration skills.

* Logo, we still need one.  The only suggestion so far is a gnu playing
  a gold harp.  We need someone to draw this.

* ILUG: I'll ask them if there is an artist that could draw a logo.
  What else do we need that we could ask them?

* AFFS: I'll be talking to AFFS later today about working together or

* What else is there to work on?

* I think a digital/information freedom organisation might be forming
  pretty soon in Ireland, I'll try get more info today

See you tomorrow.

Ciaran O'Riordan - http://www.compsoc.com/~coriordan/

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